Tuesday 19 June 2012

It's big, really BIG!

No, not my John Thomas! (But, thank you for thinking it).

And no, not my ego... that would need a whole post all to it's own.

Las Vegas silly! Along with EVERYTHING in it.

BIG food. BIG cars. BIG buildings. BIG people. BIG breasts (both males and females). BIG drinks. BIG drinkers. BIG winners and BIGGER losers.

I think the idea is if you're in Vegas and you're living large, think BIGGER. People don't come here to have their expectations fall short or allow their inhibitions get the better of them. Although I prepared myself as best I could, I still find myself constantly surprised by this city. More than a few times I've been manoeuvring through a swarm of tourists with my thumbs firmly snug in the straps of my backpack, jaw gaping and neck craned 90 degrees staring up towards the heavens of which these Mega-Resorts seem to sit amongst proudly. When I manage to get my head out of the clouds and bring my attention back to Strip level I find my mouth then remains ajar as I witness small children dancing with 7 foot KISS impersonators and women drinking from 2 yard-stick cocktails (one in either hand) at 10 in the morning. I must look a right twat. But I can't help it! I'm just impressed by almost everything!! Granted it's not exactly at all what anyone would consider classy or dignified, but Vegas doesn't care. It sets out to be the most unique, most over-the-top, most unforgettable holiday destination in the world and it does so in a hot-tub overflowing with strippers, wearing aviator sunglasses and a chewed up cigar burning through it's sinful grin. And if you don't like it Vegas doesn't care, Vegas is baddass!

Las Vegas, it's kind of a BIG-deal... just get a load of this BIG-fountain!

NOTE: The following blog text is purely poker related material. With profit/loss, hand histories, thoughts, jargon and other boring stuff most reading this won't be interested in. The only reason I include is for my own reflection and records. Please heed this warning and skip the below if you wish to stay conscious.

In poker news, I played 10.5 hours of poker today at the MGM Grand and Aria playing $1/$2 & $1/$3 turning a $125 profit!

One interesting hand at 1/3 I'm holding J-10 of hearts in the highjack and make open to my standard raise of $10 when it gets folded to me, I get two callers to my immediate left in the cutoff and the button. The flop comes down Q-9-6 rainbow and I check first to act with my open-ender with the intention of check-raising a bet Q off of one pair, the cutoff makes it $20 into $34 and the button flats behind. I follow through with my plan and make an overbet raise to $85 into $74. Cutoff counts his remaining stack behind after the $65 raise (leaving him roughly $60), tanks and calls. The button flats as well with the added value. The turn is another Q and I check thinking I'm only getting called by made hands. To my surprise it goes check-check and we see the river, an inconsequential 4. Final board reading Q-9-6-Q-4. I check again and it checks through. I announce, "You got it, Jack high", ready to muck my hand but neither player is turning up their hand. I showdown my J-10 and both players keep their hands face down before embarrasingly showing me two worse draws! 10-8o for the cutoff and 7-8s for the button! I take down the $289 pot with Jack high :)

I'll keep the poker news to a minimum as I need to eat something. But it's nice for my first day of play to be a winning day :)

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